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Epicenter Located Near Ridgecrest

Breaking News: Major Earthquake Strikes Central California

Epicenter Located Near Ridgecrest

Magnitude 7.1 Quake Causes Widespread Damage and Power Outages

A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 struck central California on Friday, July 5th, 2019, near the town of Ridgecrest. The temblor, which occurred at 8:19 AM local time, was felt across a wide area, including the major metropolitan areas of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Initial reports indicate widespread damage to infrastructure, including buildings, roads, and bridges.

The earthquake's epicenter was located approximately 12 miles (19 kilometers) northeast of Ridgecrest, a town of about 30,000 people. The shallow depth of the quake, estimated at only 5 kilometers (3 miles), amplified its impact at the surface.

Authorities are still assessing the extent of the damage, but preliminary reports suggest that it is significant. Several buildings in Ridgecrest have collapsed, including the town's city hall and a hospital. Power lines have been downed, cutting off electricity to thousands of homes and businesses.

Officials have urged residents to remain calm and follow instructions from emergency responders. The California Governor has declared a state of emergency and the National Guard has been activated to assist with response efforts.
