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Georgien Polizei

Georgia: Investigation Launched into Use of Force by Police Against Protesters


On [date], riot police in Tbilisi, Georgia, responded with force against peaceful protesters. The use of excessive force by police officers has been widely condemned by human rights groups and the international community.

Investigation Underway

The Georgian government has launched an investigation into the incident. The investigation will be led by the Interior Ministry and will examine all aspects of the police response, including the use of force. The results of the investigation are expected to be made public in the coming weeks.

Call for Accountability

Human rights groups have called for those responsible for the excessive use of force to be held accountable. They have also urged the Georgian government to take steps to prevent such incidents from happening again. The European Union and the United States have also expressed concern over the use of force and have called for a thorough investigation.

Continued Protests

Despite the use of force, protesters have continued to take to the streets in Tbilisi and other cities in Georgia. They are calling for the resignation of the government and for reforms to the police force. The protests are expected to continue in the coming days.

Security Concerns

The Georgian government has expressed concern over the security implications of the protests. They have warned that the protests could be exploited by extremist elements to destabilize the country. The government has also called on the protesters to refrain from violence and to respect the rule of law.
